The votes are in!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Ok, sorry we have left you in anticipation for so long. We kind of got busy with the holidays.

So, in answer to the questions............It's going to be a GIRL!

Everybody that guessed a girl, you are still our friends. Those of you that guessed boy.....well.... Just Kidding! We are really excited. April is thrilled to buy girl cloths. Burgess is a little uneasy on trying to raise a girl.

Well, got to go for now. More holiday cheer to spread!


Annalee Taylor said...

Congrats! I have been waiting since you posted that ultrasound and I am glad you finally told us!! I know a cute girls name...Annalee!!

Jodee said...

Congrats! I didn't put my vote in but I have been watching your blog because I am so excited for you! I would have voted girl though! Just kidding I was sure it was a boy.

Jenny said...

I am so excited for you guys! Be prepared to add a little bit of drama, girls are like that.

Natalie said...

Congratulations!! That is so exciting! We need to get together soon!

The Probert Family said...

DUDE! How did I even find your blog?!? I'm starting to scare myself with my blog-hopping madness. I'm so glad I stumbled across your blog, though! Looks like you guys are doing great. Congrats on baby #2. Feel free to stop by:

Bradbury Bunch said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Lexi will now have a girl playmate when we get together! :) Have fun shopping for girl clothes!! Hope you have a HAPPY NEW YEAR TOO!!